The Perfect Solution for Choosing Your Child’s Guardian

If you have minor children and have not yet selected a guardian, you are not unlike many parents who put off this critically important task while waiting for the perfect solution to present itself.  Or perhaps you and your spouse/partner cannot agree on who would be the ideal guardian for your kids. Here is your […]

Don’t Let This Crucial Question Derail Your Estate Plan

Sitting down to create or update your estate plan can be overwhelming. Crucial to a successfulplan is your ability to address two major questions: Who will get your stuff when you die, andhow do you want those individuals or charities to receive that stuff? Ways to Give Away Your Money and Property OutrightOne way you […]

Lessons Learned from Jay Leno

As many of you may not know, before law school I was a journalist, and had the incredible privilege of working at NBC News during my college years. The newsroom was right on the same lot that The Tonight Show with Jay Leno was filmed. Over my four years there, I had the pleasure of […]

#19 For Us!

Desplácese hacia abajo para leer esto en español. Celebrating 19 Happy Valentines Together This is Steve and I’s 19th Valentine’s Day together! And a lot has happened in those 19 years! We bought our first home, we had children, Steve made career moves until he landed a great job at Amazon, we survived my time in law school, and […]

Love Is In The Air: But Have You Properly Protected Those You Love?

Valentine’s Day is approaching, when many people express just how much their loved ones mean to them by giving gifts and cards. But this year, you could try something different to show your love: think about your estate plan and how you can protect and provide for your loved ones. Preparation can help guide your […]

Beyond the Basics: Three Often Neglected Advantages of Estate Planning

Estate planning is not just about preparing for the inevitable; it serves as a crucial tool for safeguarding your assets and ensuring your wishes are honored when you’re no longer able to advocate for yourself. As an estate planning attorney, I often witness the repercussions of inadequate planning, which can burden families with unnecessary complexities […]

Are You Prioritizing What Truly Matters?

Desplácese hacia abajo para leer esto en español. Prioritizing Wellness: A Lesson in Exercise and Estate Planning Admittedly, I often found myself making excuses not to prioritize exercise. Between managing my business, attending to my children, and the daily stresses of life, it seemed there was always something more pressing. However, over the past few […]

Play Ball!

Desplácese hacia abajo para leer esto en español. Swing for the Fences! As many clients and friends know, my family is Cuban. Cubans love baseball. My husband also played baseball growing up! Steve and I are so happy that our sons love the game! My middle son was just awarded camper of the week at a baseball camp […]

Who’s On Your Team?

Estate planning is not just about what happens to your stuff when you die. It is about coordinating all aspects of your life so (i) you can be taken care of during times when you are unable to care for yourself, and (ii) your money and property are distributed to the individuals you have selected […]

Plan Today for Peace of Mind Tomorrow!

Estate Planning Workshop graphic

Desplácese hacia abajo para leer esto en español. Reminder: Join our Webinar! Don’t forget to register for my upcoming webinar with LeeAnn Hitchman of Hitchman Fiduciaries! This is a great opportunity for you to learn in details of how trust administration works and its vital role in your estate planning process. Learn how to make informed […]