Plan Today for Peace of Mind Tomorrow!

Estate Planning Workshop graphic

Desplácese hacia abajo para leer esto en español. Reminder: Join our Webinar! Don’t forget to register for my upcoming webinar with LeeAnn Hitchman of Hitchman Fiduciaries! This is a great opportunity for you to learn in details of how trust administration works and its vital role in your estate planning process. Learn how to make informed […]

Knowledge is Power!

Webinar: What is a trust administration?

Desplácese hacia abajo para leer esto en español. Discover the Secrets to Effective Trust Administration What happens when you pass away with a trust? What is trust administration? How does it work and what steps need to be taken? Should you name a family member or a professional to handle this? Join me, Alex Varela, for a webinar […]

2023 Was One for the Books…

Resolutions and Year In Review

Desplácese hacia abajo para leer esto en español. So Long 2023 & Hello 2024! As we bid adieu to 2023, our hearts are full of gratitude for the memories created with my team and my family – from enchanting Disney adventures to unforgettable travels and the incredible moments shared with our amazing clients. Each experience has woven […]

Our Style!

Desplácese hacia abajo para leer esto en español. Celebrating our Incredible, Hardworking Team is Easy! We have a “work hard, play hard” style at the Wagon Legacy – that’s for sure!  This year, our office festivities went beyond just celebrating the season – it was all about team bonding and creating unforgettable moments. Our awesome team earned a well-deserved Christmas celebration […]

We Wish You a Very Merry Christmas!

Varela family photo

Desplácese hacia abajo para leer esto en español. This holiday season, we want to take a moment to extend warm wishes for a Merry Christmas filled with love, laughter, and moments you’ll cherish forever. In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, we can easily get caught up in the rush – but let this […]

Our Never-Ending Remodel & The New Perspectives it has Given Me

before and after bathroom photo

Desplácese hacia abajo para leer esto en español. It’s Been a Long, Hard Remodel Journey You may remember that my husband and I had a major water leak about 6 months ago in our home. Unfortunately, it did a lot of damage and we have had to remodel 2 bathrooms and part of our kitchen! […]

Updating Your Estate Plan: How Many Tweaks Are Too Many?

tablet and phone on desk next to glasses and plants

If your life or the law has changed since you signed your last will and testament (will) or trust agreement, you need to update your document. You can make updates to a revocable living trust by way of an amendment or a complete restatement of the trust agreement. An amendment updates a specific part of […]

The Ugly Part of My Job

Alex Varela selfie outside

Dealing with Family Conflict & Sibling Disagreements is Not Easy Desplácese hacia abajo para leer esto en español. It may appear that my job as an attorney and business owner is exciting and rewarding – and it is! But there is one aspect that is especially ugly, difficult, and stressful: dealing with family conflict and […]

We Have a Big Announcement!

Desplácese hacia abajo para leer esto en español. We Are Expanding to Downey! Embracing our passion for making a positive impact on communities and ensuring citizens have comprehensive estate planning for a secure future, family, and legacy is at the heart of what we do. We are thrilled to announce that we are opening a […]