We Have a Big Announcement!

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We Are Expanding to Downey!

Embracing our passion for making a positive impact on communities and ensuring citizens have comprehensive estate planning for a secure future, family, and legacy is at the heart of what we do.

We are thrilled to announce that we are opening a second meeting location in Downey, California, my hometown! We look forward to continuing our mission of assisting Californians in planning for their futures with enthusiasm and dedication in a place that is near and dear to my heart.

I had a wonderful childhood growing up in Downey. From my days at Downey High School to being part of the Miss Downey court, I have such great memories! Life led my family and I to North Orange County because we wanted to live close to my retired mother in law who helps us with our kids. And while we love it here, Downey holds a special place in my heart and it will forever be “home.”

It has always been a dream of mine to establish an office there, and recently, some devastating news gave me the push I needed to turn that dream into reality.

A couple from Downey passed away in a car accident, leaving behind minor children. This heart-wrenching story was a reminder to give back to the community that has given me so much, and help the amazing people of Downey protect their future, legacy, and families.

This endeavor holds special significance for me. This town played a pivotal role in shaping who I am today and holds countless cherished memories from my upbringing.

Returning to my roots to establish a presence in the very place that contributed to my growth and holds a special place in my heart is a dream come true. This new office is more than just a professional venture for me; it’s a heartfelt commitment to give back to the community that has given me so much.

Thank You for Allowing Us to Continue Serving Our Communities

Our mission remains steadfast: to provide top-notch estate planning services that empower individuals and families to secure their futures. Whether you’re planning for the next generation, safeguarding family assets, or ensuring a lasting legacy, we are here to guide and support you every step of the way.

Thank you for your ongoing support. If you know someone who lives in or near Downey – please share this email with them. To book an appointment in Placentia, Downey, or virtual – CLICK HERE!

Lee esto en Español:

¡Nos estamos expandiendo a Downey!

We are thrilled to announce that we are opening a second meeting location in Downey, California, my hometown! We look forward to continuing our mission of assisting Californians in planning for their futures with enthusiasm and dedication in a place that is near and dear to my heart.

Tuve una infancia maravillosa en Downey. Desde mis días en Downey High School hasta ser parte de la corte de Miss Downey, ¡tengo tan buenos recuerdos! La vida nos llevó a mi familia y a mí al norte del condado de Orange porque queríamos vivir cerca de mi suegra jubilada, quien nos ayuda con nuestros hijos. Y aunque nos encanta estar aquí, Downey ocupa un lugar especial en mi corazón y siempre será “hogar”.

Siempre ha sido un sueño para mí establecer una oficina allí y recientemente, una noticia devastadora me dio el empujón que necesitaba para convertir ese sueño en realidad.

Una pareja de Downey falleció en un accidente automovilístico, dejando atrás a sus hijos menores. Esta historia desgarradora fue un recordatorio de devolver algo a la comunidad que me ha dado tanto y ayudar a la increíble gente de Downey a proteger su futuro, su legado y sus familias.

Este esfuerzo tiene un significado especial para mí. Esta ciudad jugó un papel fundamental en la configuración de quién soy hoy y guarda innumerables recuerdos preciados de mi educación.

Regresar a mis raíces para establecer una presencia en el mismo lugar que contribuyó a mi crecimiento y ocupa un lugar especial en mi corazón es un sueño hecho realidad. Esta nueva oficina es más que un simple emprendimiento profesional para mí; Es un compromiso sincero devolverle a la comunidad que me ha dado tanto.

Gracias por permitirnos continuar sirviendo a nuestras comunidades

Nuestra misión sigue siendo firme: brindar servicios de planificación patrimonial de primer nivel que permitan a las personas y familias asegurar su futuro. Ya sea que esté planificando para la próxima generación, salvaguardando los bienes familiares o asegurando un legado duradero, estamos aquí para guiarlo y apoyarlo en cada paso del camino.

Gracias por su continua ayuda. Si conoce a alguien que vive en Downey o cerca de él, comparta este correo electrónico con esa persona. Para reservar una cita en Placentia, Downey o virtual, ¡HAGA CLIC AQUÍ!
